Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement sets out Terra Nova Trading’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its business of supply chain.

Through this statement Terra Nova Trading Inc. acknowledges its obligations to The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.

Terra Nova recognizes its responsibility to buy raw materials ethically and responsibly, respecting at every point the principles of the social values that form the basis of all of our business relationships.

Our aim is to ensure that our suppliers treat all of their employees fairly and respect their human rights; that their employment practices offer equal opportunity for all employees and that working conditions are safe and conducive to acceptable modern standards.

Our supply chain involves sourcing food products in bulk on a global scale. We audit our suppliers regularly and we encourage them them to establish health and safety procedures that ensure protection of all their workers. As part of our process we will ask our suppliers to confirm that they remunerate their workers at a level that is not below that which is required by local laws, or where local laws do not exist, we ask that pay and working hours are appropriate to the nature of the work, within the territory and that no worker is coerced or forced to work in slavery.

As part of our due diligence, we will reinforce our systems to :

Maintain internal accountability standards through our Business Code of Ethics and Employee Handbook

Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains

Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chain and address any possible non-compliance, directing our suppliers to change their methods as necessary

Work in collaboration with our customers and act on their advice.

All staff and suppliers will receive a copy of this statement. At Terra Nova Trading we only work with those who are prepared to adhere to modern standards and are in no way knowingly associated with human trafficking and modern slavery of any kind.

The Directors of Terra Nova Trading acknowledge this statement.